Dynamic Compaction of Chemical Storage and Transportation Center

10/31/2023 4:18:00 PM


The dynamic compaction of chemical storage and transportation center is located in Zhijiang City, Hubei Province, invested by Hubei Sanning Chemical Co., Ltd., a total of 210,000 square meters of dynamic compaction was completed. The design bearing capacity characteristic value after dynamic compaction is ≥150kPa, and the average tamping settlement of the last two strikes is not more than 100mm.

The construction area of the project has a thick layer of fill, the ground is uneven, and there is a silt zone, which seriously affects the safety of machinery travel. We first use the bulldozer for ground leveling to identify the soft areas and mark them in advance, and report to the owner that the soil layer in this area should be replaced or sun-dried, so as to ensure the safety of machinery travel. The boundaries of the ramming area are extremely irregular, and to ensure the quality of the ramming at the boundaries, it is necessary to extend the ramming points outwards. For this reason, we measured and placed as many boundary points as possible before dynamic compaction, so that the rammer fell on the boundary line. During construction, we worked from the boundary to the center area to ensure the quality of the ramming at the same time without causing too much unnecessary work.

The dynamic compaction commenced on May 13, 2022, and was completed on September 21, 2022, lasting 131 days, with the overall construction schedule meeting the owner's construction requirements, and construction quality, safety, and schedule management all remaining in good condition.


Add:NO.555 Huaian Road(west),Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Prov. P.C.:0502271   Tel:0311-66723100 66723200 Fax:0311-66723277  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group Ltd. 2008