Topographic Map of Yujing Jiayuan Residential Community in Renqiu City (Building #5, #6, #7 Planning Verification Survey)

4/12/2023 9:55:59 AM


Topographic map of Yujing Jiayuan residential community in Renqiu City is located in Renqiu City, Hebei Province, invested Renqiu Hongyu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

The planning verification survey of Building #5, #6 and #7 started on June 5, 2021, the field survey was completed on June 8, 2021, and the sorting of field data was completed and all results were submitted on June 25, 2021. The specific work includes coordinate system consistent with the submitted plan, data integration, field survey, topographic mapping, data integration and connection, thematic map production, area calculation, length comparison, coordinate comparison, etc., and finally form the as-built map results and report that meet the requirements.


Add:NO.555 Huaian Road(west),Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Prov. P.C.:0502271   Tel:0311-66723100 66723200 Fax:0311-66723277  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group Ltd. 2008